Strategic Initiatives & Ops - Sean Ngee

Sean Ngee

Strategic Initiatives & Ops

Sean NGEE is currently the Head of Strategic Initiatives & Ops of the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). He received his MBA (2010) from Murdoch University and Honours Degree in Electrical Engineering (2003) from NUS.

He started his career in Product Engineering in Hewlett Packard and Micron before doing a mid-career switch to Human Resource in Republic Polytechnic, Infocomm Development Authority and NUS. As a Product Engineer, he was involved in the transfer of new products from Houston and Idaho to Singapore. As a HR Practitioner, he specialised in a broad spectrum of HR Specialisations from Payroll, Recruitment, Manpower Planning and Employee Data Management.

He joined NUS to manage Employee Data Management at the university level. In his second year of joining NUS, he was seconded to the President’s Office to start up an Organisational Excellence Transformation Unit (OETU) with fellow colleagues from other corporate functions. Throughout his stint in OETU, he managed and facilitated multiple projects, from Manpower Planning, Shared Services initiatives to Professionalisation of Corporate Functions. More than 100 staff were professionalised across 11 Departments and units through the Professionalisation of Corporate Function Project that he spearheaded for more than a year.

After his secondment, he was transferred to NUS Engineering to continue his career in the Deanery office, conducting Department Resource Reviews across all the FOE departments and subsequently CDE departments after the merger. In his current administrative role as Head of Strategic Initiatives & Ops, he is primarily responsible for managing a team to run the daily operations, college level initiatives as well as the management of IT/CIT activities. His team spearheads new college level initiatives to enhance staff wellness and staff morale, regular engagements with department administrative leads to foster collaborations across CDE as well as streamlining of processes to enhance efficiencies.